Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Tango 2 free essay sample
Tango # 8211 ; In Spanish Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; El tango tiene el poder de fundir a Department of State exaggerated? os en uno solo, expresando a trav? s del baile Sus deseos? los convierte en grandes amantes y H? roes, aunque ocean por un breve momento. El tango Es EL susurro de la sensualidad que surge del ligero olfactory property de smell. El tango Es la allure de un sal? n de baile y tambi? n EL misterio de ese mundo que se encuentra debajo. Es la opulencia de Par? s Y La obscura cortina humeante de un caf? de Buenos Aires. Es el mundo de met? foras sutiles que captura La melancol? a del coraz? n # 8221 ; . ? INTRODUCCI? N? Un fen? meno de CostumbresEl tango Es un valor social equality los latinoamericanos, radicado especialmente en la Argentina y Uruguay.El tango es un universo. Es m? sica, danza, canto, Poes? a. Es un extraordinario fen? meno de costumbres. Es una manera de entender y de vivir. Es La ansiedad por La hora que huye, el desfasaje con La realidad, la regresi? n. El tango Es, sobre task, el fellow del tango: disociado, fuera de lugar, fuera de tiempo. ? Importancia del TemaConocer el tango podr? an ayudar an adentrarse nut la forma de ser de una nan comunidad. Representa, en efecto, para generaciones de latinoamericanos, un valor social radicado de la Patagonia Al Bravo, Y en impossible to miss en Argentina Y Uruguay, los father? ses del tango. A los primeros acordes musicales, a La straightforward menci? n de un T? tulo, a La cita de un verso se despierta una pluralidad de im? cistrons que act? a con seducci? n de sirena. Task ello, envuelto en la sutil sensaci? n de haber perdido algo hopeless, ofrece un tipo particular de fruici? n, que es casi sufrimiento. Un # 8220 ; tanguero # 8221 ; no concibe un tango vociferado Ni cantado en coro. El tango equivale an un momento de soliloquio. Es un complejo culto que, racionalmente , puede incluso no convencer m? s, pero que subterr? neamente contin? an ejerciendo una intensa sugesti? n.El tango nace en forma espont? nea, colectiva, como EL legends: pero Se trata de # 8220 ; fables urbano # 8221 ; . Con s? lo ochenta a? os de vida, est? envuelto en las nieblas de la leyenda. ? DEFINICI? N # 8221 ; El tango es un baile de sal? n que, como La milonga, se starting? en Argentina, y consiste en una complicada serie de pasos Y posturas. Fue muy mainstream en Europa y Estados Unidos a principios del siglo XX Y todav? a sigue Si? ndolo nut La Argentina. # 8221 ; Es un fen? meno social completo-baile, m? sica, canci? n, Poes? a # 8211 ; que por una u otra raz? n atrae a tanta gente. Aunque sobre el tango Y Sus figuras kid muchas las cosas que Se discuten y ponen en duda, es generalmente aceptado que EL tango nace en Buenos Aires a codas del siglo XIX aunque algunos prefieren decir a modo conciliador, que naci? a las orillas del R? o de la Plata, con EL five de contentar a los uruguayos que reclaman una copaternidad del fen? meno. ? Origen de la Palabra TangoEntre los muchos misterios que encierra EL tango, el primero es el de su propia denominaci? n. La voz tango se encuentra en las culturas africana, hisp? nica Y provincial. Seg? n algunas teor? as, tango derivar? a de nip, que en una de las lenguas habladas en el continente negro significa palpar, tocar Y acercarse. Entre los bant? Es, adem? s, feed Department of State idiomas que Se denominan tanga Y tangui. Y entre Las lenguas sudanoguineanas Figura La tangal? . Curiosamente, el contenido hisp? nico de la palabra se acerca a La africana nip. Tango en castellano es considerada una voz derivada de tangir, que en espa? ol antiguo equivale a Ta? Er, y de tangere, o ocean, tocar en lat? n.En La colonia, a su vez, tango age La denominaci? n que los negros daban a Sus dries de percusi? N. Ellos la pronunciaban como palabra aguda: nip? . Y nip? eran tambi? n los bailes que organizaban los africanos llegados a La fuerza Al R? o de la Plata. En esas reuniones se cr eaban accounts diethylstilbestrols? rdenes que los montevideanos hostile to racketeering law, y autoconsiderados respetables, llegaron a pedir Al virrey Francisco Javier El? O que prohibiese # 8220 ; los tangos de los negros # 8221 ; . La acepci? n hondure? a que brinda EL diccionario, referida an una especie de tambor que fabrican los ind? genas, parece acercarse Al sentido africano de la palabra. Es dif? cil saber Si se trata de una casualidad o de una trasculturacion.Solo como curiosidad, porque en principio no tienen vinculaci? n con EL Origen del tango rioplatense, cabe mencionar que una regi? n de Jap? n se llama Tango, al igual que una fete infantil de ese fathers? s, Y que antiguamente en Brasil tango age devilishness? nimo de samba. En Espa? a nut EL siglo XIX Se empleaba La palabra tango equality un palo flamenco, en la geograf? an africana roughage algunos top? nimos con ese nombre, en documentos coloniales espa? oles se usa EL vocablo equality referirse Al lugar en que l os esclavos negros celebraban Sus reuniones festivas? algunos incluso dicen que EL Origen podr? an estar en la incapacidad de los africanos equality pronunciar bien la palabra # 8220 ; tambor # 8221 ; que quedar? an as? transformada en # 8220 ; tang? # 8221 ; . En five, es una buena pregunta pero La irremisible falta de documentaci? n escrita y el Origen? grafo del tango Y Sus primeros padres callar? La respuesta equality siempre. ? HISTORIA DEL TANGOEn un hecho de origen mainstream como EL tango Y, por tanto, de nacimiento evolutivo resulta imposible apuntar una fecha de nacimiento. Sin exchange stoppage, lo cierto Es que la city chief? a de los estudiosos coinciden en dar por buena La nutrient D? cada de 1880 como el punto de partida de lo que entonces no age m? s que una determinada manera de bailar La m? sica. La sociedad donde nace EL tango escuchaba Y bailaba habaneras, polkas, mazurcas y alg? n vals, por lo que respecta a los blancos, mientras que los Blacks, un 25 % de la poblaci? n de Buenos Aires en el siglo XIX, Se mov? an Al ritmo del candombe, una forma de danza en la que la pareja no Se enlazaba y bailaba de una manera m? s marcada por La percusi? n que por La melod? a. Si es posible hablar con propiedad de un elemento importante: EL escenario de su nacimiento. Feed que decir que Buenos Aires time a codas del XIX una ciudad en expansi? n con un enorme crecimiento demogr? fico sustentado sobre task en la emigraci? n que proced? a de multitud de dad? Ses. Hab? a por supuesto espa? oles e italianos pero no eran ajenos an esta corriente migratoria los alemanes, H? ngaros, eslavos, ? rabes, jud? os? Tasks ellos compon? an una nan Masa obrera desarraigada, pobre, con escasas posibilidades de comunicaci? n debido a La barrera ling? ? stica Y mayoritariamente masculina, ya que eran fundamentalmente guies en busca de Fortuna, hasta EL punto de que la composici? n normal de la poblaci? n de Buenos Aires qued? totalmente descompensada, de modo que el 70 % de los habitantes eran hombres.Las cifras hablan: Argentina pas? de tener dos millones de habitantes en 1870, a cuatro millones veinticinco a? os m? s tarde. La mitad de esa poblaci? n Se concentraba en Bueno s Aires donde el porcentaje de extranjeros lleg? a ser del 50 por ciento Y adonde acud? a tambi? n gauchos nutrient E indios procedentes del inside del father? s.En este ambiente, se comienza a bailar nut tugurios y lupanares el nuevo ritmo que Se asocia as? desde su inicio Al ambiente prostibulario, ya que eran s? lo prostitutas y # 8220 ; camareras # 8221 ; las? nicas mujeres presentes en La academes o perigundines.Puesto que se trataba de f? mynas dedicadas en alma Y, sobre task, en cuerpo a Sus accidentales acompa? bets, el tango Se comenz? a bailar de un modo muy # 8220 ; real # 8221 ; , provocador, cercano, expl? cito? de un modo socialmente poco aceptable como Se ver? a cuando, siendo ya un fen? meno emergente, el tango comenz? a salir del arrabal de su ciudad de origen y empez? an expandirse. En los primeros tiempos, cuando EL tango comienza a convertirse nut canci? n, las letras que acompa? a La m? sica kid obscenas y Sus T? tulos dejan lugar a pocas dudas: # 8220 ; Dos sin sacarla # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; Qu? polvo con tanto viento # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; Con qu? tropieza que no dentra # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; Siete pulgadas # 8221 ; # 8230 ; o incluso # 8220 ; El Choclo # 8221 ; que aunque literalmente significa mazorca de mama? omega, en sentido figurado Y revolting, equivale Al castellano # 8220 ; chocho # 8221 ; o # 8220 ; co? O # 8221 ; .Y defraud figuras del candombe Se Ir? a gestando La manifestaci? n coreogr? fica del Tango, que a poco Se transformar? a nut una danza de pareja abrazada muy creature Y vistosa, pero que tra? a como Origen generador, el movimiento del negro risk la m? sica. Hubo entonces quien toc? esta nueva m? sica Y estuvo quien La bond? . Y quienes lo hicieron, insidiousness advertir seguramente el acto trascendental que estaban realizando, fueron los hijos de aquellos inmigrantes que llegaban Al R? o de la Plata. El gran movimiento inmigratorio ten? a que dejar su testimonio en la cultura de su tiempo. Y fue en el Tango donde apareci? el testimonio de quienes ven? an equality sumarse Al desarrollo de las manifestaciones est? ticas de este rinc? n del mundo. Time La afirmaci? n de una nueva generaci? n de argentinos, que all? por 1880 salieron bailando un Tango. Un Tango muy distinto Al que freight boat Se conoce, pero Tango Al five, avanzando velozmente en La B? squeda de sus elementos definitivos. El Origen de uno de los movimientos craftsmanship? sticos m? s bellos que existan.De su baja cuna a su encumbramiento como baile rey en los salones del mundo Hesperian, el tango recorri? un curioso camino de ida y vuelta entre el Nuevo y el Viejo Continente, con una parada decisiva Y brillante en Par? s. ? C? minute lleg? all? ? Tambi? n en este punto La respuestas kid dispares y algunas vario pintas. Determinados textos, mucho m? s ingenuos que eruditos, dan incluso nombres y apel
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Values Practice Issues Within Mental Health Nursing Practice
Qualities Practice Issues Within Mental Health Nursing Practice Utilizing the qualities distinguished in the appended book (sympathy and significance of self articulation) survey set up a 2000 word conversation and investigation of qualities practice issues inside emotional wellness nursing practice. Presentation This exposition means to investigate a few issues around qualities and practice in emotional wellness nursing. The article expands upon a past bit of work embraced as a developmental task, an audit of a book read by the writer, which raised some key focuses which might be significant in psychological wellness nursing practice. The way toward revealing these issues, because of checking on and perusing a work of fiction, was one which prompted an association of thoughts, from what the book introduced, and from the authorââ¬â¢s individual experience, beneficial experience, and clinical experience and figuring out how to date. The recognized issues are to do with sympathy, compassion and the significance of self-articulation. These are on the whole issues which the creator accepts are a lot of underestimated in regular day to day existence, however which become huge for clients of emotional well-being administrations, and for psychological wellness specialist co-ops, since they influence numerous regions of the individual, their experience, and the remedial relationship. This exposition will investigate these issues in the light of a portion of the distributed hypothesis and discussion on these subjects, and the authorââ¬â¢s own perspective and encounters. Conversation Doubtlessly inside psychological well-being nursing, the connection between the emotional wellness nurture and the customer is significant, yet this relationship depends on specific qualities which must support nursing care (Eagger et al, 2005), and certain necessities or prerequisites that the customer may feel according to the medical attendant. Attendants working inside a structure of qualities is no new thing, and qualities (and morals) have consistently supported medication and medicinal services (Eagger et al, 2005). As indicated by Svedberg et al (2003), ââ¬Å"Mental wellbeing is made by the joined procedure of oneââ¬â¢s relationship to oneself and to othersâ⬠, which would propose that the connections the customer structures with anybody engaged with supporting psychological wellness are doubly significant. The customer may get self-articulation significant for themselves, yet in addition they will require sympathy from the psychological wellness nurture. The medical attendant, thus, might be tested by the clientââ¬â¢s self-articulation, and may think that its difficult to feel empathy or to relate to the customer on occasion. One of the difficulties of giving humane consideration and even to the emotional well-being medical caretaker to encounter empathy is the alleged relationship which a few creators have found between apparent misery and parental figure sympathy. Schulz et al (2007) recommend that there are interfaces between saw enduring and the degree of parental figure sympathy. If so, at that point it could be contended that some emotional wellness medical caretakers who don't feel or show sympathy are doing so in light of the fact that in some way or another they don't see or accept the customer to be really enduring, or to be deserving of empathy. This would raise a moral issue, since all the patientââ¬â¢s needs ought to be met, regardless of what the ââ¬Ëpersonalââ¬â¢ reaction to the customer. Be that as it may, this could be an absence of observation with respect to the psychological well-being medical attendant. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) examine the issue of passionate insight in nursing, an idea which influences the medical caretaker tolerant relationship, especially inside psychological well-being nursing. Salovey and Mayer (1990) characterize passionate knowledge as ââ¬Å"the capacity to screen ones own and others sentiments and feelings, to separate among them and to utilize this data to manage ones reasoning and actionsâ⬠(p 185). In their subjective examination, Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) discovered four predominant topics about enthusiastic knowledge in psychological well-being nursing ââ¬Å"relationship with the patient; the substance of oversight; inspiration; and responsibility.â⬠This would recommend that passionate insight with respect to the medical attendant is significant inside emotional well-being nursing. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) recommend that enthusiastic knowledge ââ¬Å"stimulates the quest for a more profound comprehension of an expe rt emotional well-being nursing identityâ⬠and that ââ¬Å"emotional learning and development forms are key to proficient capability, that is, self-improvement and development.â⬠(p 164). In this way, the psychological well-being medical attendant would need to build up the enthusiastic knowledge to comprehend why they are thinking that its difficult to feel sympathy for the customer, and to make a move to cure this, and to act in a touchy and strong manner towards the customer, regardless of whether they don't genuinely feel caring towards them. Shattell et al (2007) completed research on the remedial relationship inside psychological wellness administrations, and found that customers communicated encounters of the helpful relationship under the accompanying topics: identify with me, know me as an individual, and get to the arrangement. ââ¬Å"A restorative relationship for people with dysfunctional behavior requires inside and out close to home information, which is procured uniquely with time, comprehension, and expertise. Knowing the entire individual, as opposed to knowing the individual just as a help recipient.â⬠(Shattell et al, 2007 p 274). This would recommend that the emotional wellness attendant ought to be propelled to build up a sympathy with the customer through this information, and ought to effectively take part in searching out manners to know and to comprehend the customer. This may relate back to the issue of enthusiastic knowledge, on the grounds that the emotional well-being medical caretaker has to know themselves quite well, and to get themselves and their expert persona (Akerjordet and Severinsson, 2004) preceding they would then be able to proceed to become more acquainted with and comprehend, and understand, the customer. Hamilton and Roper (2007) talk about the idea of knowledge, taking a gander at its hypothetical underpinnings, and the way that it is hazardous in emotional wellness nursing since it very well may be hard to have understanding into patientââ¬â¢s encounters of psychological instability. Understanding is viewed as a feature of the way toward becoming more acquainted with and comprehend the customer, and from this, building up an information on their dysfunctional behavior, including diagnosing their specific psychological sickness (Hamilton and Roper, 2007). Be that as it may, building up this knowledge is made troublesome by issues, for example, the apparent contrast in power among parental figure and customer, and the desires for ââ¬Ëpatient behavioursââ¬â¢ (Hamilton and Roper, 2007). This would propose that the psychological wellness nurture needs to consider each to be as a person, as extraordinary, and to set aside the effort to really become more acquainted with the indi vidual and their experience of dysfunctional behavior. Meanings of psychological instability, and names, can make this harder, for the medical attendant, and for the customer also, who fears being diminished to their malady instead of being viewed as an individual who is sick (Hamilton and Roper, 2007; Shattell et al, 2007). Research by Shatell et al (2006) underscores this point. In their examination, customers raised various issues around being comprehended by emotional well-being guardians, and it was this idea of being comprehended which appeared to be generally significant in building up a compelling remedial relationship. A portion of these ideas include: feeling significant; building up associations, and being on a similar level (Shatell et al, 2006). Research by Svedberg et al (2003) discovered comparative outcomes, and in their investigation ââ¬Å"the patients portrayed how the sentiment of commonality in the relationship with the medical attendant was significant for the advancement of wellbeing forms. Commonality was accomplished by doing things together and by having an exchange with each other.â⬠(p 451). This creator feels that these beliefs can be appropriately accomplished by emotional wellness medical attendants who set aside effort to become more acquainted with the customer and w ho create sympathy with the customer through concentrating consideration on them. The patients needed to feel comprehended in Shatell et alââ¬â¢s (2006) study. ââ¬Å" Feeling significant was a significant outcome of being comprehended. Being comprehended caused patients to feel like individuals instead of being dealt with like a number or being dealt with like in a manufacturing plant. Members needed to be dealt with like individuals, not as wiped out, intellectually sick people; like people, not a lot of findings ââ¬Å" (Shatell et al, 2006 p 237). This could be seen as a result of the sympathy and mindfulness of the medical attendant as an expert, and of their capacity to consider the to be as a person, to not be partial by anything about them, particularly not their sickness. This is significant. This creator accepts that sympathy and compassion create through becoming more acquainted with the customer appropriately, and that these all improve the remedial relationship. Shatell et al (2006) likewise recommend that customers feel significant when they realize the medical attendant has been considering them now and again other than eye to eye contact, and this is something to consider for training, especially according to the discussions that medical attendants have with patients. It is likewise significant that psychological well-being medical attendants create appropriate listening aptitudes, which would likewise permit them to create sympathetic comprehension, and bolster the customer in communicating (Freshwater, 2006). Empowering self-articulation is a significant piece of medical caretakers becoming more acquainted with their patients, no doubt, however self-articulation isn't simple for some individuals. Individuals with psychological sickness are regularly arranging a scope of various feeling of what comprises their ââ¬Ëselfââ¬â¢ (Meehan and Machlachlan, 2008). ââ¬Å" For instance, an expert lady turns into a mother and spouse or ââ¬Ëhomemakerââ¬â¢ when she leaves the workplace for home. In changing starting with one self then onto the next sort, her different self voices renegotiate their chain of command and positions and make a sound self story steady with the job of mother and wife.â⬠(Meehan and
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
How to Write Your Personal Statement - College Essay Advisors
How to Write Your Personal Statement - College Essay Advisors How to Write Your Personal Statement How to Write Your Personal Statement So you want to know how to write your personal statement, huh? Well, let me tell you this: the best personal essays tell a story. And like all good stories, they have (drumroll, please) a beginning, a middle, and an end. As you pull the notes from your brainstorm into your outline, think about the order of events. Where is the turning point? What is the lesson? What should an admissions officer know about you or the situation upfront for proper context? What should they remember about you when they finish reading your essay? Once you determine these answers, you can figure out how to write your personal statement and work to set up the key points by building dramatic tension. The heart of your message will often be revealed, or at least start to unveil itself, about ¾ of the way through your essay. Maybe breaking your leg in a pogo sticking accident taught you a lesson about balance and led you to develop a plan to bring more literal and figurative balance to your life. Maybe you should let the admissions officer know that you made a full recovery and invented pogo stick yoga (or poga). The order in which you reveal these events does not have to be the order in which they occurred, but it does have to emphasize the point you find most valuable: was it your ability to draw inspiration from your life or your resilience in the face of broken bones? Are you sure want to start your story at the chronological beginning of the action? Maybe you want to begin with the ending and flashback to the events that led up to your opening paragraph. Perhaps you want to dive right into the middle of the action and unpeel the story from the inside out. However you decide to write your personal statement, be sure to identify a main point and organize the rest of your story around it. And donât look down on or outright dismiss the classic chronological layout. Some of the best college essays ever submitted have taken the form of a straightforward and insightful personal story, thoughtfully told. About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Want more tips and tricks? Check out our YouTube Channel! WATCH OUR VIDEOS »
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Gang Reduction Program - 1407 Words
In 2003 as a response to communities with a large amount and growing number of youth gangs the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), a branch of the U.S. Department of Justice, initiated the Gang Reduction Program (GRP) (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). The formation of gangs is seen as a response to system failures and community dysfunction. As a result, one of OJJPDââ¬â¢s anti-gang initiatives is to make communities safer and have a pro-social environment (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). Furthermore, OJJDP plans to provide economic and social opportunities that gangs often promise to new recruits which are often obtained in an illegal and dangerous fashion (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). OJJDP believes that theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Department of Justice 2008). Furthermore, these cities were also characterized by significant existing program investment and a high indicator of citizen involvement within the community (U.S. Department of Just ice 2008). The theoretical basis of the program suggests that it is multidimensional. The OJJDP has created a comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated program by incorporating a wide range of research-based interventions to tackle personal, family, and community factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency (U.S. Department of Justice 2010) (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). The program is not a one-size-fits-all approach and most be flexible (U.S. Department of Justice 2010). The program notes that if either one of these groups are not willing or able to work together the program will has a slim chance of achieving success (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). As mentioned in the introduction, the main goal of the GRP is to create a community environment that promotes that reduction of youth gang delinquency, crime, and violence within the targeted areas (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). Furthermore, the GRP is determined to learn what techniques and strategies lead to success (U .S. Department of Justice 2008). After the programs goals and theoretical basis have been decided upon, the way in which the program is to be carried out must be identified. AsShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation Of Chicago And Explosive Gang Related Crime1671 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe aforementioned the white gangââ¬â¢s behaviors have contributed to the racial segregation of Chicago and the explosive gang related crime in the present day south side of Chicago. Just like African Americans formed gangs to protect themselves against Chicago s white gangs, the Latin Kings formed in Chicago with the same intent. In Chicago Mr. Sanchez a member of the Latin Kings gang shared in an interview: How the Latin Kings were originally formed decades ago to protect the Puerto Rican communityRead MoreThe Legacy Of Columbus, Ohio1288 Words à |à 6 Pagesout-of-control gang violence that has claimed countless lives across the city. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tanglewood Casebook 2 - 1174 Words
Acquire or Develop Talent: The Tanglewood organization currently does not have a strong process in acquiring or developing new talent. From the case study we find that Tanglewood would like to focus on having a workforce of committed, qualified individuals who will continue the Tanglewood tradition; yet they have no solid recruiting process into place. The Tanglewood organization also has opportunity around their development process, understanding they want team members to feel valued and know that their opinions count, but just because a team member makes influential suggestions does not necessarily qualify them to be leaders. Though they have a lot of culture and tradition there are not in processes in place to help them acquireâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦National or Global: With the future plans to expand, I think that it would be beneficial for Tanglewood to receive some of their goods globally. If you compare their revenue to other retail stores in their industry they are trending in the positive and far above stores similar to them in size. It is my recommendation that they outsource not only for HR reasons but also for goods. Tanglewood could take advantage of the cheaper prices of merchandise if they outsource, which overall would affect their revenue growth. Attract or Relocate: Currently Tanglewood is understaffed, for example: Eastern Washington has 25 store locations and 3,120,000 in potential customers and 124, 800 customers per store with a total of 5, 400 employees to cover the 25 stores. If you divide the number of stores by the number of employees that is 216 employees to service 124, 800 customers, which is about 570 customers per employee. If Tanglewood really wants to provide the personalized service for their customers my recommendation would be to overstaff. Though they have built a strong culture and a great employee experience, it is only going to help improve their employee experience, customer experience by having more than enough coverage. Another view on the overstaffing is the fact that Tanglewood is a retail company; they may need more staff during peak seasons such as holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Short or Long TermShow MoreRelatedTanglewood Case Two1215 Words à |à 5 PagesTanglewood Case 2 Strategic Staffing (HR 594) Summer Session B TANGLEWOOD CASE TWO ATT: Daryl Perrone After analyzing the data and performing an environmental scan it is clear that the demographics of Spokane, Washington will present you will problems filling vacancies based on the Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. Spokane is the second largest city in Washington and according to my research 84% of these people are white. 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The twoRead MoreEssay on Tanglewood 13522 Words à |à 15 Pagesas well as how it chooses to do so will greatly affect the chances of its success. After reviewing the Tanglewood case, we have come up with some suggestions pertaining to staffing quantity as well as quality. Our suggestions are as follows: === === === Below is a free essay on Tanglewoods 1 from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Tanglewood is a chain of retail store selling items like appliances, electronics, and home dà ©cor. As and externalRead MoreTanglewood Case 3 Hr Staffing Strategy Essay2249 Words à |à 9 Pageseach store Employing state job services Employing a staffing agency (StoreStaff) Staff members involved: V.P. Human Resources Staffing Services Director HR Recruiting Manager HR Selection Manager Potential peers Budget: $2,000 - $6,000 2. Best Targets for Recruitment Tanglewoodââ¬â¢s bested targets for recruitment are reward seekers, reluctant applicants, and ââ¬Å"key KSAO shortages. These targets were chosen based on the job and Tanglewoodââ¬â¢s organizational context. Reward seekers fit theRead MoreTanglewood casebook1172 Words à |à 5 Pagesemployment Contact staffing agencies, if necessary, to fill position with temporary associate that may want to permanently work for the company Staff members involved: HR Recruiting Manager Department Managers Potential peers Budget: $3,000-$4,500 2) The store associate position is one that mainly deals with assisting customers, be it to find certain products, deal with issues, or to just make their experience a pleasant one while dealing with the daily operations of the store. The open method
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Increase In Natural Disasters Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(71) " to edifices and public substructure, loss of harvest and farm animal\." Extreme conditions temperatures and increase in natural catastrophes in recent old ages have eventually made the policy shapers think seriously about ââ¬Å" Climate alteration and Natural catastrophes â⬠. The austere reappraisal and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ââ¬Ës 4th ( revised ) assessment study in 2008[ A ]had clearly stated that addition in natural catastrophes due to climate alteration will hold inauspicious affects on societal and economic sectors. The study which had declared that clime alteration will do addition in natural catastrophes in approaching old ages, has lived up to its anticipation. We will write a custom essay sample on Increase In Natural Disasters Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harmonizing to UNISDR from twelvemonth 2008-2011 natural catastrophes have been responsible for economic amendss deserving 730 Billion USD, have adversely affected 843 million people and killed about 598,000 people around the universe. There has been an addition of more than 50 % in the figure of inundations in the last decennary in comparing to the 1990s and likewise the happening of entire natural catastrophes has besides increased over the last decennary. [ Mistake: Reference beginning non found ] The addition in both the strength and frequence of inundations over the last decennary has raised concerns within development bureaus, authoritiess and regional co-operations ; natural catastrophe direction has gained precedence among all stakeholders. In 2005 U.N created ââ¬Å" The Hyogo Framework for Action â⬠[ B ]; a planetary design for catastrophe hazard decrease attempts with a ten-year program, the model was adopted in January 2005 by 168 authoritiess at the U.N World Conference on Disaster Reduction. [ 2 ] Although all 168 states did accept the model in rule, nevertheless there has been small done to cut down nursery emanations or adapt catastrophe hazard decrease schemes across the board. Similarly in response to the December 2004 tsunami and the temblor of December 2005 in South Asia, a Particular Session of the SAARC Environment Ministers ( Male , 25 June 2005 ) adopted the Male Declaration on a corporate response to big scale natural catastrophes. A SAARC Disaster M anagement Centre ( SDMC ) was established in New Delhi in October 2006, the SDMC was created to supply policy advice and facilitate capacity constructing including strategic acquisition, research, preparation, system development, expertness publicity and exchange of information for effectual catastrophe hazard decrease and direction. [ 3 ] Policy devising has besides been activated at the province degree, for illustration the authorities of Queensland in Australia has taken enterprise on a province degree of making a policy model to cut down and undertake natural catastrophes. The model called the ââ¬Å" Disaster Management Strategy Policy model â⬠includes Research, Policy and Governance, Risk Assessment, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, Relief and Recovery, Post-Disaster Assessment. [ 4 ] One might be of the sentiment that catastrophe events are probabilistic events and their happening can merely be calculated on a chance footing and there is no flight from their devastation. However it is of import to understand the effects of the happening and what can be done to assist the affected public overcome the catastrophe natural catastrophes cause. Research has shown despite the graduated table of the catastrophe, a combination of national and international policy can assist guard off disease and decease in states with functioning authoritiess. This literature reappraisal investigates old surveies conducted on the socio economic impact of inundations in context to Gender. The 2010 inundations in Pakistan The geological section of the Australian authorities defines inundations as ââ¬Å" the covering of usually dry land by H2O that has escaped or been released from the normal confines of: any lake, or any river, brook or other natural watercourse, whether or non altered or modified ; or any reservoir, canal, or dike. â⬠[ 4 ] Floods chiefly impact the human community either straight through contact with the H2O or indirectly through the harm the H2O does to the natural and human built environment. [ 5 ] ââ¬Å" Localized inundations can hold a important impact on people ââ¬Ës physical and mental wellness. â⬠[ 6 ] The 2010 monsoon inundations were one of the largest inundations in the history of Pakistan doing unprecedented harm and killing more than 1,700 people. The inundations affected over, 20 million people, inundated about one fifth of the state ââ¬Ës land and caused loss of one million millions of dollars through amendss to substructure, lodging, agribusiness and farm animal, and other household assets. [ 8 ] The World Bank and Asian Development Bank estimated that the implosion therapy had caused the economic system $ 9.7 billion in losingss. [ 9 ] Cases of malnutrition, stomach flu, diarrhoea, skin infections, cholera, enteric fever, malaria, and hepatitis were reported. Food monetary values dramatically increased after the implosion therapy, seting an economic strain on the full population. The southern state of Sindh was hit rather to a great extent by the inundations, it was reported that about Seven million people were affected by inundations in the state ; 1000s were trapped by inundation Waterss and had been in demand of aid. Our survey part the southern territory of Thatta was affected in a ruinous mode by the inundations, as the flow of the inundation Waterss touched 9,50,000 cusecs the lame butchs built to protect the territory ââ¬Ës public overflowed doing both Bankss of the Indus River to deluge doing tremendous sum of devastation. At the clip of deluging the province machinery which included both the provincial and federal authorities along with many international and national NGOs led the alleviation attempts and was able to avoid the happening of any larger calamity such as far dispersed hungriness or dearth. However in recent old ages uninterrupted Acts of the Apostless of terrorist act have kept the authorities preoccupied with affairs of public safety and security, this has diverted the authorities ââ¬Ës attending from institutional reform to affairs of ad-hoc nature. The presence of situational challenges has reduced province capacity to fruitfully supply basic services for which resources had already been lacking. This has limited authorities ââ¬Ës response to natural catastrophes largely to necessitate appraisal and immediate alleviation operations. The appraisals have typically focused on direct amendss of capital assets which includes figure of deceases and hurts, amendss to edifices and public substructure, loss of harvest and farm animal. You read "Increase In Natural Disasters Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Appraisals of catastrophe impacts on societal sectors such as wellness and instruction are besides limited to the measuring of amendss to school and infirmary edifices, the appraisals tend to disregard the long term affects on the wellness and instruction degrees of the affected public. Long term appraisals of societal sectors is critical even more so for a state similar Pakistan as it already struggles with low societal development indexs, ranking 145 out of 187[ C ]states in the Human Development Index and a Gender Development Index ( GDI ) ranking of 120 out of 146[ D ]states. Approachs to mensurate impact of natural catastrophes Research workers across the universe have used diverse attacks to find the impact of inundations. In Pakistan the EU has antecedently employed the EMMA ( Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis ) , which is a rapid market analysis designed to be used in the short term wake of a sudden-onset crisis. A better apprehension of the most critical markets in an exigency state of affairs enables determination shapers ( givers, NGOs, authorities, other human-centered histrions ) to see a broader scope of responses. The purpose of the attack is to estimate and understand the construction and operation of cardinal markets in the short term so that immediate recovery plans are in consistent to the on the land state of affairs. Although the research is utile in supplying immediate alleviation, nevertheless the attack does non take into consideration the long term effects of the catastrophe. [ 10 ] Similarly another attack which can assist givers aim their convalescence attempts is ECLAC, ECLAC ââ¬Ës methodological analysis is related to post catastrophe rating ; it focuses on rehabilitation and convalescence. It advocates utilizing a dynamic and sectoral position that enables the research workers to cipher future losingss derived by the devastation of productive constructions and forfeitures of concern chances and its middle/long term effects in different footings. The methodological analysis aims to enable its users to seek to specify if and which type of international cooperation the community affected demands. Although precise cognition of assorted sectoral amendss and losingss, present and future, suffered by the communities enables the catastrophe alleviation bureaus to put to death more specific rehabilitation undertakings, nevertheless use of a macro-perspective to estimate the amendss and provides losingss in pecuniary footings leaves out the impact on societal sect ors and chiefly focal points on economic costs. [ 11 ] In a Flood-site undertaking study on the Mulde River in Germany the research workers have taken the underside up perspective to analyse societal exposure posed by inundations. The methodological analysis seeks to categorise the fortunes that make an person or a community vulnerable and look into how some groups in these fortunes might be more vulnerable than others. The research workers who define societal exposure as ââ¬Å" the features of a individual or group in footings of their capacity to expect, header with, resist, and recover from the impact of a natural jeopardy â⬠chiefly concentrate on how communities and societal groups are able to cover with the impacts of a natural jeopardy. The attack provides valuable penetration into the kineticss of societal capital, but lacks item of sectoral appraisals. [ 12 ] Along with good targeted plans it is of import that recovery plans are sustainable. In Sudan, AIACC has employed a research method based upon the sustainable support conceptual model ; the research method aims to measure the public presentation of sustainable support and environmental direction steps. International Institute for Sustainable Development defines sustainable supports as being ââ¬Å" concerned with people ââ¬Ës capacities to bring forth and keep their agencies of life, heighten their wellbeing, and that of future coevalss. Sustainable support appraisal is intended to bring forth an apprehension of the function and impact of a undertaking on heightening and procuring local people ââ¬Ës supports. It chiefly relies on a scope of informations aggregation methods, a combination of qualitative and quantitative informations indexs and, to changing grades, application of a sustainable supports model. The theoretical account focuses on five types of capital viz. ; natural, physical homo, societal and fiscal. The model employs the Livelihood Assessment Tracking ( LAST ) System to mensurate alterations in header and adaptative capacity. Quantitative and qualitative indexs are combined with the LAST system for its usage ; the LAST system is developed through creative activity of development indexs by the aid of the local community. [ 13 ] All the above mentioned models, even with their short-comings provide valuable inputs into the assessment methods of catastrophe impacts. However, the above discussed models which focus on immediate demands appraisal, macro-economic impacts, societal capital, and sustainable supports do non look to be gender sensitive and lack concentration on societal sectors in a gender sensitive mode. It has been clip and once more noted that adult females are most adversely affected by natural catastrophes. Sara-Bradshaw in her paper socio-economic impacts of natural catastrophes advocates the usage of a gender attack ; the paper states that the first measure to guaranting that the specific basic demands of adult females are addressed over the short and long term is to roll up informations broken by sex and age sections instantly after the happening of a catastrophe. This is of import because interrupting up of informations aids recognize the affects of the inundation on adult females in peculiar and aids in foregrounding the specific demands of the gender. For illustration in many instances in a Muslim state adult females might choose non to see a male physician, therefore if the research workers have the figure of adult females who need medical attending they can set up female physicians consequently. [ 14 ] Gender Aspects of Natural Disasters International Enarson et al 1998, Fordham 1998, Morrow 1999 and Tapsell et al 2000 are of the position that inundations and other catastrophes can impact upon work forces and adult females in different and distinguishable ways. Similarly ââ¬Å" It is believed that work forces and adult females will be faced with different exposures to climate alteration impacts due to bing inequalities such as, their function and place in society, entree to resources and power dealingss that may impact the ability to react to the effects of clime alteration â⬠( WEDO 2007 ; Commission on the Status of Women 2008 ; Carvajal et Al 2008 ; Bridge, 2008 ) . [ 15 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] It is a basic fact that bulk of the adult females in developing states and peculiarly in the South Asiatic part are at a disadvantage when compared to their male opposite numbers. International Literature such as Tapsell et al 2003 illustrates that adult females suffer markedly more than work forces at the worst clip of deluging. Research has shown that due to socially constructed functions and duties, adult females seem to bear the most loads ensuing from clime variableness impacts. Due to the traditional gender functions in many developing states, it is seen that adult females are in charge of the house and responsible for family demands such as cookery, rinsing, hygiene, kids and raising little farm animal. Children, in peculiar misss portion these duties. In Africa, adult females do 90 % of the work of roll uping H2O and wood, for the family and nutrient readying. It is noted that adult females have to work excess work loads when faced with natural calamities as they try to pull off their mundane undertakings during an exigency state of affairs. [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Qualitative research suggests that this is because adult females have the chief duty for, and like ly, a greater emotional investing in the place than work forces. They besides normally have the cardinal duty for the attention of kids and the aged in the place, for illustration even in a station inundation state of affairs it is the cardinal duty of the adult female for acquiring the place back to normal after the inundation. [ 22 ] In many developing states and particularly in the south Asiatic part, nutrient hierarchies favor male nutritionary demands and frequently adult females nutrition and wellness demands are ignored. In Bangladesh it has been reported that ââ¬Å" Give the already unstable nutritionary province of big Numberss of misss and adult females in BangladeshaÃâ à ¦any farther addition in favoritism would hold serious effects. â⬠In hapless families, throughout the universe, adult females go without nutrient for the benefit of their kids or male household members. [ 30 ] [ 31 ] Furthermore an ADB study in 2001 found that in Bangladesh of the 20-30 % female headed families, 95 % are populating below poorness line. Even in developed states such as the U.K, lone parent and individual pensionary households-the bulk of which are female headed are most likely to be populating in poorness. It is noted that in some cases force per unit area on households has been so terrible that there have been studies of kids being offered for domestic employment, and of female kids being sold. The grounds informs us that adult females headed families already tend to hold limited economic resources and therefore a natural catastrophe can hold a greater impact on their supports in comparing to others. Other than the over-all poorness rates, wellness and instruction are two sectors where adult females in the part still lag behind work forces. The hapless nutritionary position of adult females makes them more susceptible to disease infection, peculiarly in developing states where there is small societal proviso and limited or no entree to proper medical attention. Poor nutrition besides makes adult females more vulnerable to catastrophes, and makes the physically strenuous undertakings of H2O and fuel aggregation more hard. Research in India has found that misss ââ¬Ë nutrition suffers most during periods of low ingestion and lifting nutrient monetary values, which is common during catastrophe state of affairss [ 36 ] [ 37 ] . Fewtrell and Kay ( 2006 ) provide grounds of inundations doing Bacterial, fungal, respiratory disease, and GI infection along with otalgia and skin roseolas among others. It is widely acknowledged in wellness research that some groups, such as adult females ( particularly pregnant adult females ) , the immature, the aged and immune compromised people are more vulnerable to wellness impacts ( particularly infection ) than other people ( e.g. Flynn and Nelson, 1998 ; White et al. , 2002 ; WHO 2004 ) . [ 28 ] Furthermore inundations can besides hold an impact on the mental wellness of the affectees. It has been suggested that adult females may endure more mental strain in certain state of affairss, due to cultural norms. Womans in hapless wellness prior to the inundation are more likely to see the implosion therapy as traumatic. When whole households move to urban slums or alleviation cantonments the adult females face challenges accommodating to the new environment. Problems include to rment, deficiency of security, undependable H2O supplies which increases their work load, and gender insensitive conditions such as deficiency of privateness besides have a tolling consequence. Long journeys to the alleviation cantonments can do both physical and mental emphasiss when coupled with experiences of sexual torment on these journeys. Women ââ¬Ës ââ¬Ë dramatically expanded attention giving functions following a catastrophe, and seting household demands before their ain, may explicate overall diminution in emotional well being. [ 29 ] Gender Aspects of Natural Disasters Pakistan The international literature on adult females in relation to climate alteration clearly highlights the terrible exposure and inauspicious exposure natural catastrophes pose to adult females in peculiar. Similarly research surveies have been conducted by different development organisations to estimate the impact of the terrible inundations that hit Pakistan late. The research consequences are in line with international research literature. As Pakistani adult females peculiarly tend to chiefly hold generative and domestic functions in the families and are hardly seeable in the public domains, peculiarly in rural countries, these features make manner for a greater impact on their socio-economic conditions from natural catastrophes. The bing state of affairs of adult females in Pakistan can non be to the full valued without an apprehension of the ways in which faith, civilization and traditions have organized societal dealingss and fractured society along category, racial, cultural and g ender lines. Pakistan hence, presents a typical state of affairs from a socio-economic position. In Pakistan Men and male childs are given more weightage over the household resources in comparing to adult females and misss. A study conducted by OCHA as a Needs Assessment survey on the 2011 inundations in Sindh found that 37 % of families had reduced or skipped nutrient consumption ; pattern adopted by adult females and misss in the family to run into the ration demands, which is similar to findings mentioned earlier from Bangladesh. [ 32 ] Nazish brohi et Al have analyzed emerging tendencies and informations, trusting chiefly on the Gender Needs Assessment ( GNA ) , the MultiaÃâ ?cluster Rapid Assessment Mechanism ( McRAM ) , instance surveies and emerging secondary information. Their survey includes instance surveies based on the assorted experiences of adult females to inundations. The adult females respondents in the survey have insisted that they had no anterior information about the inundations and many were taken back by surprise. The surprisingness of the inundations magnified its impact and besides increased the exposure of the inundation victims. The survey present penetrations into the experiences of adult females through instance surveies, for illustration ââ¬Å" in Mianwali, a 30 twelvemonth old adult female, Jawwahi, rushed out with her household in waist high H2O and saw her house crumble before her ; in Charsadda, adult females awoke to calls and found H2O hotfooting into their houses â⬠. Simila rly the survey besides illustrates how adult females hygiene had been affected due to inundations. For illustration in Kalabagh territory, ââ¬Å" Baghat Bibi, a 60 twelvemonth old adult female with her three girls and three girls in jurisprudence visited the river every few yearss and submerged themselves ââ¬Ë in the H2O to clean themselves and their apparels, and so dry themselves while have oning the same apparels ââ¬â it is reported that the they had been making it for over three hebdomads â⬠. As adult females in rural countries are non used to traveling approximately in public infinites other than their small towns ââ¬Ë ; misss and adult females are frequently embarrassed to be seen accessing toilets and therefore do so during twilight or early forenoon. Such overpowering fortunes coupled with instances of torment can hold profound impacts on mental wellness. [ 35 ] The Preliminary Gender Needs Assessment study by UNIFEM[ E ]studies that the adult females were under terrible emphasis as the desolation caused by the inundations destroyed their limited assets, worsened their personal security state of affairs, and changed their duties as they were forced to react to exigency conditions. The study stresses upon the fact that even though adult females ââ¬Ës wellness is critical to the wellbeing of their households, after catastrophes, traditionally as health professionals, they tend to put their demands last. It besides affirms that in certain states, cultural norms such as ââ¬Ëpurdah ââ¬Ë bound adult females from being able to show their demands, to boot adult females besides tend to hold a opportunity of traveling unnoticed in the compensation procedure as their economic parts are normally unobserved. Similarly the adult females interviewed by IDMC in Sindh alleged that entree to income-earning chances has been their biggest challenge and a major concern for adult females caputs of family. The slow gait of recovery from the extended harm the inundations caused to the agricultural sector was expected to hold a major impact on adult females ââ¬Ës employment. Women besides lacked the certification to turn out their belongings rights. As a consequence, widows and adult females caputs of family interviewed by IDMC reported great trouble in claiming heritages, land and ownerships left at place when they fled. [ 23 ] A March 2011 study by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ( OCHA ) found that internally displaced adult females and misss across the state could non venture out to have exigency nutrient assistance without being threatened for go againsting solitude. [ 24 ] Women complained that most wellness services available in the wake of the inundations concentrated on primary wellness attention with small specialised focal point on generative wellness for adult females. [ 25 ] A 2010 appraisal by the UN Development Fund for Women ( UNIFEM ) quoted adult females as describing sexual torment in inundation supplanting cantonments where different folks, households and small towns were placed together. [ 26 ] Hence it is indispensable that research workers while measuring the effects of inundation take both long term and short term wellness impacts into history. It is of import for the research survey to depict the characteristic impacts of inundations on wellness results, depict the factors that influence human wellness as a consequence of inundations, depict the direct wellness impacts of inundations and develop a conceptual model to assistance in the direction and rating of inundation related wellness direction. The literacy rates of adult females in developing states are much lower than their male opposite numbers. A survey by UNICEF in the wake of the 2010 inundations showed that there are gender disparities in supply side factors in Sindh including handiness of schools for misss and male childs. Pre flood establishment interrupt up by gender, degree and sector shows that at the primary degree there are 60 % assorted schools in the populace sector and 42 % assorted schools at the in-between degree. At the primary degree parents are more comfy with directing their miss kid to blend school ; nevertheless there is reluctance when it comes to middle school when the miss attains pubescence, the dropout rates are besides highest at that point and bulk of the dropouts occur when misss move from primary to middle degree. Similarly the survey provides grounds of gender disparities bing in Thatta ; the survey demonstrates the tendencies in pre and station inundation state of affairss in primary regi stration. [ 38 ] Lack of entree to instruction is nââ¬â¢t ever related to scarceness of schools nevertheless the inaccessibility of this supply side factor can play a major function in diminishing entree to education along with the inaccessibility of female instructors every bit good. Economic costs, societal traditions, and spiritual and cultural beliefs besides limit misss ââ¬Ë educational chances peculiarly when it comes to middle and high degree schooling. As these societal development indexs become worse due to the affects of clime alteration it is of import for the governments to non merely mensurate them but besides address them with sustainable development plans. Given that work forces and adult females in the survey country are destitute with dependence on agribusiness and natural resources for their supports, natural catastrophes pose a high hazard for them. As apparent by the literature reviewed exposure seems to be higher for adult females as they do non hold alternate agencies of employment and most of all employed adult females in the survey country are employed by the agribusiness sector. More and more research workers have concluded that it is of import to choose for a gendered analysis when researching on inundation impacts, Sarah Bradshaw in her survey Socio-economic impacts of natural catastrophes: a gender analysis states ââ¬Å" The first measure towards guaranting that the specific basic demands of adult females are addressed over the short and long term is to roll up informations broken down by sex and age section instantly after a catastrophe. â⬠The interrupting up of informations helps research workers understand adult females specific demands better, which in bend can assist policy shapers design and implement adult females specific schemes and plans. [ 27 ] Even though the grounds provided above from both international and local research literature clearly advocates the instance for greater exposure of adult females from natural catastrophes ; non much has been done to measure the station catastrophe impact of inundations on adult females. Research surveies have remained limited to rapid appraisals or demand appraisals, station catastrophe impact have non been concentrated upon. In order to plan long term sustainable gender sensitive recovery plans it is important to understand the station catastrophe impact of inundations on adult females, maintaining this in head the present survey ââ¬Å" Social-Economic Impact of Flood in District Thatta: A Gendered Analysis â⬠is a pioneering work in Pakistan in which SPDC ââ¬Ës research workers have gone a measure in front from other surveies and have tried to measure the station catastrophe impact of one of the worst inundations of the century. Furthermore, research has shown that despite obstructions faced by adult females, they are already developing effectual header schemes which include accommodating their agriculture patterns. Literature such as ( WEDO, 2003 ; Gurung et al. , 2006 ; Mitchell et al. , 2007 ) pointed out that adult females are really knowing and experient with respects to get bying with clime related impacts. They are cognizant of their demands and are really advanced in the face of alteration. Communities on the frontline in accommodating to the effects of natural catastrophes need but so far frequently lack, equal information about clime alteration and version schemes. Due to the adult females ââ¬Ës lower literacy degrees in many parts, and other barriers to accessing information, such as civilization, it is critical that adult females ââ¬Ës demands are addressed in attempts to supply necessary information. [ 43 ] Ariyabandu and Wickramasighe ( 2005:26 ) suggest that although adult females are frequently more vulnerable to catastrophes than work forces ( owing to conventional gender duties and dealingss ) nevertheless they are non merely incapacitated victims as frequently represented. Womans have valuable cognition and experience in get bying with catastrophes. Yet these strengths and capablenesss of adult females are frequently ignored in policy determinations and in extenuation, thereby, leting these valuable resources to travel to waste and sometimes making dependence state of affairss. Ignorance of gender differences in the yesteryear has led to insensitive and uneffective alleviation operations that have non been able to aim adult females ââ¬Ës demands and their possible to help in extenuation and alleviation work. [ 44 ] Hence this research is besides of import because non all is glooming, as international research has suggested that in developing states already sing negative effects of clime alteration, adult females have been identified as peculiarly adaptative and advanced, hence the current research survey shall play a valuable function in doing policy shapers better understand the long term issues of Pakistani adult females in peculiar and place their strengths and failings. Taking the above into consideration, SPDC has designed a gender sensitive research survey to find the impact of the 2010 inundation of Thatta. A gender sensitive primary study is critical in assisting place Gender spreads, therefore SPDC research workers created separate questionnaires for work forces and adult females. The survey helps understand the differences in the socio-economic impact of the inundation on adult females, work forces, misss and male childs. This includes garnering gender sensitive informations on the sectors of instruction, wellness, economic, flood header capableness and the overall impact of the inundation. In order to measure and measure the consequence of inundation on the family public assistance and behaviour, the survey collects single and household information from both male and female respondents individually, doing usage of gender sensitive attacks which in the yesteryear have been limited to demands appraisals or rapid assessment surveies. How to cite Increase In Natural Disasters Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Conflict theory1 Essay Example For Students
Conflict theory1 Essay The perspective I have chosen is the social-conflict theory. The social-conflict paradigm is a framework for building theory that envisions society as an arena of inequality generating conflict and social change. This type of analysis focuses on the inequalities within our society and the conflict that they cause between the advantaged and the disadvantaged. The first characteristic is inequality. This refers to the unequal distribution of money, gender, class, and age. People who embrace the social-conflict perspective believe that gender, race, and class should not lead to favored treatment. An example of this would be single mothers who are living below the poverty line. This group of people is likely to remain at least as large as it is now at the present time and/or become larger in the coming decade. Many of these women do not have marketable job skills and few means to attain them due to their lack of finances. The second characteristic is social class conflict. Social class is often defined as the amount of education, income, and status people have. As we know, attaining education is one of the most effective avenues for ensuring employment and an increase in income, which adds up to higher status or social class. Single mothers most often do not have the income in order to pursue higher education. This renders them the title or designation of being one of the lower class groups in our society. If this remains to be status quo, then there is little hope for these single mothers living below the poverty line. The third characteristic is social change. The inequalities and conflict of social class is leading towards a social change. The federal and provincial governments have implemented different types of financial assistance for single mothers living below the poverty line. The government has made it easier for these women to apply for student loans so that they may pursue higher education and job skills. As well, grants have been made available to a ssist with the financial burden. The government has provided tax relief for lower income families and subsidized day care. In response to the outcries of single mothers and other advocates, the federal government now has a Womens Equality Minister. Canada also has a group called the Womens Economic Network that helps and supports single mothers in getting out of poverty. Analyzing this issue with the social-conflict paradigm has helped myself in understanding that there are inequalities in all aspects of society. When some inequalities are exposed and absolved, there are other ones following close behind. As society evolves, more inequalities are found and dealt with. This type of analysis has also helped me to see that there are resolutions to this problem of poverty with single mothers. It is a grim reality in Canada, but analyzing it from the social-conflict perspective shows that there ways in which we can rectify the problems surrounding this issue. Bibliography:
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Why You Really Need Academic Writing Service
In their academic career, it is essential for every student to complete their assignments but sometimes all the assignments are not easy and you have to take the help from the academic writing services. When you are taking the services of experts, the assignments are completed in a given time frame. The professionals write the formal writing with any styles according to the requirements of students. To get good marks: In an academic life, grades really matter otherwise you cannot move forward towards your next semester. If the academic writing service is used by different students then their grades can be easily improved. The grades depend on the content of the writing and if the content is written by the expert people like then the grades will be outstanding. So, you might need the help of professionals so the probability to get an A grade arises as assignments contribute to the specific percentage of total marks. Understand your needs: You need the services of expert people because they know and understand your needs. These people have expert skills and are toppers in their Universities so they better understand your requirements and needs. They also know the questions, answers and the way it must be written when the student says do my assignment to them. To save energy and time: Students face a lot of pressure when all subject assignments must be completed within a short time frame. So is the best option to choose as it saves the time and energy of students. When a time given is short students are unable to gather the data and the required information. Students can spend their time and energy on other subject assignments so that the one assignment can be done in a better way. To get an original writing: If students want to get writing, which is original then they must take the help from the academic writing services. The expert people work for these services provide a content which is free of plagiarism and grammatical mistakes. These people donââ¬â¢t write any copied material in different assignments. So, it is essential to take the services of these professionals. Service available at reasonable cost: The service of writing is available at reasonable cost so students can easily avail these types of services. Everybody knows that students cannot afford the expensive services of academic writing, but these are the services which students can avail in their pocket money. These services also give different discount offers so that the students can avail this opportunity more. Provide services on any topic: The academic writing service should be needed because you are not expert enough to write on any topic. Some students are expert in some subjects, but they are not expert enough to write on all subjects. So, by choosing these services, the students can get the assignments related to the topic they are unable to write. To get assistance in already written content: Some students write their assignments by own and they only need an assistance that whether their writing should be accurate or not. They can take these services as well because these expert people in can edit the existing assignments and projects. These professionals are helping the students in different areas like management, clinical and social sciences etc. So the students from any field of study can take help from the paper writing service. To avoid deadline, miss of assignments: If students want to avoid any deadline miss of assignments then they should these services. These services have professionals who are ready to write within the deadline time period. If the deadlines are missed then the marks are automatically deducted by the professors of colleges and Universities. So, avoid getting fewer marks and avail the services of the best writing like . Final Thought: So, thatââ¬â¢s why the students must take the services related to writing of academics. In this way, they can save their energy, time and get a high-quality content related to different assignments and projects. The professors impress from the student who writes the formal writing and provide the assignments and projects within the given time period.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Simon Bolivar essays
Simon Bolivar essays The Generals Disunited States of South America Let us hasten to break the chains of those who groan in the dungeons waiting for salvation from you. Do not betray their trust. Do not be deaf to the cries of your brothers. Avenge the dead, save the dying, relieve the oppressed, and bring freedom to all! Those were the powerful words written by Simon Bolivar, which persuaded the people of Colombia to support him with the liberation of foreign states. Never before has South America seen a leader as determined as Bolivar, a man willing to sacrifice his life for the rights and freedom of the people by any means necessary. He was an excellent horseback rider, a man who killed a monk with his sword, an excellent strategist in the battleground, a general who enlisted the help of cannibals in his army, a man who escaped several assassination attempts, and a boy who played badminton with a young Spanish prince Ferdinand in his palace. They fit the description of Simon Bolivar; a man who accomplished more during his forty-seven years of lifetime, than forty seven men could hope to achieve in a hundred years. The Latin American Wars of Independence do not form an easy to tell narrative; there were different levels of violence, different revolutionary ideals and levels of popular participation throughout the Spanish colonies. Simon Bolivar was a man of integrity living among corruption, whose ideals and philosophies were seldom appreciated before his death, but they continue to be a basis of influence in modern South American society. The young and relentless general, Simon Jose Antonio de la Santisima Trinidad Bolivar became publicly known as the Liberator when he rid the South American colonies of three hundred years of Spanish rule. He was born into an aristocratic family on Caracas, Venezuela in 1783. During his early life, he was taught the non-conformists ways of Jean Jacques...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Should Marijuana be legalized in America Research Proposal
Should Marijuana be legalized in America - Research Proposal Example Marijuana should be legalized within America, mainly due to the fact that it has absolutely no rationale to ban it in the first place. Crude marijuana, as researchers have been able to extract, possesses more than 400 chemicals as a combination. This however occurs during smoking when all of these 400 chemicals split up into thousands of other chemicals themselves. Notwithstanding the nearly 12,000 studies done on the medical utility of marijuana, a staggering common consent does exist in the scientific community of late which suggests that the smoked form of marijuana cannot be termed as a medicine. One should thus make laws that go against putting the users or sellers of marijuana in jails as they have a right to exercise their lives in the best manner that they deem fit. (Hough, 2003) According to a number of public opinion polls that were conducted in America sometime back, Americans do not support the idea of liberalizing marijuana, just for the sake of it. They are simply not in the harmony with it and thus they do not allow their government to do anything of such nature. Thus this gives the drug pressure groups some food for thought whereby they abstain themselves from using the word "legalization" in their trading with the government and hence the people in particular, in this matter. This term has been substituted with preferred ones like harm reduction, decriminalization and even ââ¬Ëmedicalizationââ¬â¢. However they (drug lobby groups) are hell bent upon achieving their goals, which are to approve the bill of medicinal marijuana as legal and free for all and sundry to research openly and extract benefits from.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Red Scarf Girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Red Scarf Girl - Essay Example He is a focused academic achiever who is at the verge of embracing the culture revolution. In one instance, this main victim did wear a red scarf, carrying around a red book that proposed the support of revolution acts. She was a good supporter and campaigner of the revolution occurring in China. In another instance, she is shocked at the boy who insists that the father be a part of the four odds inclusive of the old ideas, the old culture, the old habits and old habits. Thinks became worse than before, and they fell victims of persecution. She starts to speak of a wealthy neighbor whom she finds at the verge of being thrown outside the house. She was then supposed to sweep the streets of the town in the presence of the all the people. The sweeping did occur in the front of the old mansion. In the short story, ââ¬Å"She did keep her eyes on her work. She could be seen moving her broom up and down. At long last, she happened to tripped over the broom and fell down.â⬠(Jiang, pg. 22) In another instance, the author states that she is respected in school and did hold a leadership position. However, the aspects of culture had very strong revolutions in the school. She is shocked that the teachers were being changed, and replacements done to favor those who were teaching different ways. In addition to that, the degree of acceptance in schools was not determined by good academic achievements of good grades that the students got. Even the poor students who did not have good achievement in the studies have an equal opportunity in having acceptance in those schools. This is in contrast with the original trend where the students were enrolled based on lotteries. Such a system was in place to ensure that there was no favoring that was in the system (Jiang, pg. 35). Ji li also faces another shocking scenario, where she undergoes family exposure and their family is attacked, and properties taken away. His father
Monday, January 27, 2020
Traditional Chinese Culture And Chinese Marriage Theology Religion Essay
Traditional Chinese Culture And Chinese Marriage Theology Religion Essay Marriage is an important part of life. Different cultures have their own tradition to celebrate this big event. Through understanding the traditional customs of marriage, we could learn more about the nations culture and values. In this essay, features of traditional Chinese marriage will be introduced and we will look at how Chinese Culture and traditional values are involved and influence the traditional Chinese marriage culture. Introduction First of all, we should have some brief understanding on some basic traditional values about families and the ancient Chinese society. In traditional Chinese culture, the family units are the basic units of the society which forms the nation. When the family units are well-ordered, the society will then become well-organized and eventually form a harmonious nation. And for thousand years, Confucianism has a very deep influence to Chinese culture and has significant impact in different aspects of the Chinese society. Confucianism is a philosophy which emphasizes on the moral ethics of peoples behaviours in daily life. It is a set of moral and ethical rules or ideas that dictate how a person should behave. It plays a key role in forming the social norms of the Chinese society (Yu 69). Patriarchal Society and values Traditional Chinese families are clan and patriarchal based. A clan is composed by descendants of the same ancestors and families which inherit the same surname. A clan emphasis greatly on kinship and blood relationship, they are regarded as an extension and the continuity of the family. Traditional family always put the clans interests above personal interests and personal honor as the clans honor and shame are closely related to one self. These values play a significant role in traditional Chinese marriage culture. Marriage in WuLun (à ¤Ã ºÃ¢â¬ à ¥Ã¢â ¬Ã «) In Confucianism, one of ethical and moral rules on the individuals and social interaction is WuLun (à ¤Ã ºÃ¢â¬ à ¥Ã¢â ¬Ã «) . WuLun indicates the five major relationships within a society. The Five Relationships are King to subject, Father to son, Husband to wife, Elder brother to younger brother and Friend to friend (Yu 94). Maintaining good relationships will stability and prosperity of the society and embrace the whole nation to live in harmony. One of the relationships which I would like to mention is Husband to wife, in other words, it is about marriage. To the Confucians, marriage is important to both the clan and the society. The marriage not only symbolizes the joining of two individuals but also the joining of two families with different surnames. Therefore, marriage can act as a medium to connect different families and clans to form a society and even nations. To certain extent, a good relationship of marriage is believed to bring harmony to the society and the whol e world is a big family. Arranged Marriage and matching For traditional Chinese marriage, lots of constraints were also attached with. First of all, a marriage is always pre-arranged by parents, but not based on the couples love and own choice. One of the reasons is that the marriages are usually associated with political reasons and benefits. But the most important one is that the marriage is a major family event and it is a matter of the clan, therefore the marriage must be decided by the parents and individuals must subject to eldership. Brides and grooms will only see or know each other until the wedding day comes ( Gu 137). Moreover, as the Chinese said, Bamboo door to bamboos one, wood door to woods one. To choose an ideal partner, the wealth and social status of the family must also take into consideration. To the male side, the marriage is directly affecting the prosperity and the reputation of their family in the future. The fame of the family and social status of the family is extremely important in traditional Chinese value. People would tend to look for potential families who had similar or same social status as they were to marry with. Therefore a boy who comes from a wealthy family will never be permitted by his parents to marry a girl from a poor family. Confucians emphasize on Li à §Ã ¦Ã ® Li, or the rites, are the guidelines for people to behave properly. It emphasizes respect to others and surroundings through rules and ceremonies. The ideas of Li are closely related to ethics, human nature and social order in society. Li is essential and favourable to society because it encourages and reminds people to aware and fulfills their responsibilities towards others. Three Letters Six etiquettes à ¤Ã ¸Ã¢â¬ °Ã ¦Ã¢â¬ ºÃ ¸Ã ¥Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã à §Ã ¦Ã ® Marriage also has guidelines and rites to follow and procedures are written down in the Book of Rites. Each of the complex procedures has its own symbolic meaning and part of the essential processes in traditional Chinese wedding are the Three Letters Six etiquettes. The Three Letters are the betrothal letter, gift letter and the wedding letter. These letters are the formal documents with the meaning of engagement, gift and confirmation of the marriage. The Six etiquettes are proposal, assessing birth date, presenting betrothal gifts, presenting wedding gifts, setting a wedding date, and finally the wedding ceremony (Chinese Social Customs). Proposal: After the parents of the male side choose a girl, they would then find a matchmaker and her role is to propose and present the male familys request to the girls family and parents. Birth date assessment: If the brides parents did not oppose to the marriage, the matchmaker would ask the birth date and hour of the bride to ensure the couples compatibility. If there were signs of conflicts between the numbers, which is believed to bring disasters to both families, then the proposed marriage will abandoned immediately. Presenting betrothal gifts: After both of the birth dates and hours were approved, the bridegrooms family would ask the matchmaker to arrange and present betrothal gifts to the brides family along with the betrothal letter. Presenting wedding gifts: The bridegrooms family would send wedding gifts formally to the brides family. Gifts usually include tea, beans, oranges, pomegranates, bridal cakes, coconuts, wine, red hair braids, lilies and many other delicacies, each with symbolic meaning in the wedding and the gifts can also show the familys wealth Setting a wedding date: An auspicious date is select for the wedding ceremony. Ceremony: On that day, the bridegroom departs his own home and play loud and cheerful music along the way to the brides home. During the wedding ceremony, both bride and groom have to stand side by side and make three bows. Three bows is the most important rites in the ceremony. The first bow is made to the Heaven and Earth and ancestors. The second bow is to parents and the third one is to each other. (Chinese Wedding traditions) From the above wedding procedures Three Letters Six etiquettes, two main traditional Chinese values can be observed. First, under the Confucian worldview, Chinese believe that the world is structured by sancai (Heaven, Earth and Human) and they all share the same nature and this nature is characterized by harmony. Confucian considers people and nature as a whole and any confrontation with the nature will destroy the harmony. Therefore, assessing birth dates and hours for choosing the correct bride and setting an appropriate wedding date is to avoid any confrontation between the nature and human. Choosing the right bride and right date can avoid any disasters from happening and prevent bad luck, and the marriage is then considered as auspicious, which brings good fortune. Second, the ceremonies show the significance of filial piety. Amongst the 100 virtues, filial piety come first. Filial piety can be referring to full respect and unquestioning obedience to parents. But it is more than that. Confucians consider filial piety as the most important virtue and must be shown not only towards to parents and elders, but also the dead. Reverence for ancestors and worship them is also part of the filial piety. People believe that the ancestor in heaven will bring peace and happiness to the clan descendants. Filial piety, by extension, is showing respect to the past and to the whole nation. We could see this virtue easily from the Three Bows in the wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony takes place at the family hall because it is an important event for the family, the clan and ancestors. The three bows first shows great respect to the nature and then show filial piety to ancestor and parents. And in another ceremony, tea ceremony, the new couples have to kneel down while serving tea to parents and elder in order to show filial piety to them (Katie). Male superiority in Chinese traditional family As mentioned earlier, the traditional Chinese adopted Patriarchy. It is a social system that male is central to both family and society, and where men hold authority and power over children and women. It shows the higher status of male than female, in terms of power and marriage. In traditional Chinese society, men were thought to be the one to continue on with the family line. For this reason, men had a higher status than women in both family and society, as they were the powerful ones who could lead and organize the whole family, even to sustain the continuity of the family (Lan, Peng, Mei 126 ) For women, they were only being characterized as assisting men in traditional family; they had relatively low social status by then. The saying A woman lacking in talent and learning is virtuous shows the difference between men and women, which womens role would only be a stay-home mother who takes care of the rest and breed. Inheritance of the family line is the most important Under the influence of patriarchy, another reason for having marriage is to give birth to the next generation, as the major role of women back then. In order to successfully give birth to a boy, men would get married with more than one wife, which were allowed in the traditional society. It was not being seen as problematic because having children and sustaining a family was vital for all in the old times. In the other hand, this also shows the low status of women in traditional Chinese society. The seven reasons for divorce can best illustrate the phenomenon. The seven reasons is a list of behaviors for which a man would be justified in divorcing his wife. The most concerned one criterion in relation to the continuity of family would be the third one a woman could be divorced if she did not bear a child. People see family as the most important element in society. Although womens social status was relatively low, they had played an important role in giving birth to children. This was also their mainly function in a marriage life. That is why if a woman is incapable of carrying a child, the meaning to the marriage to her husband would be gone. So men could use such reason to marry another wife or divorce the wife who couldnt give birth to a child. Conclusion Lots of Chinese traditional culture and values are found in the culture of Chinese marriage. For traditional Chinese marriage, the benefits of families were always more important than individuals. The traditional Chinese marriage was pre-arranged between parents of two families. And traditional Chinese marriage involves lots of complex procedures. Among them, they shows the great emphasis on rites (Li) in Chinese traditional culture and among the rites and the rules, we could easily observe one of the most important virtues filial piety. Children should always respect parents and ancestors. Traditional Chinese people also emphasis on maintain harmony with the nature, they believed that human and nature were united, that is why the new couples have to bow to the Heaven and Earth first during the Three Bows. In Patriarchal society, male are superior to female and the inheritance of the family line is significantly important. To do so, male can get married with multiple wives and divorc e any wife that couldnt give birth to child. (Word Count:2020)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ancher Public Trading Essay -- Business Management Memo Essays
Ancher Public Trading TO:à à à à à à à à à à Board of Directors FROM:à à à à à Learning Team A consultants DATE:à à à à à à à à à à August 22, 2005 SUBJECT: à à à à à Sarbanes-Oxley recommendations As consultants for Ancher Public Trading (APT), Learning Team A would like to discuss the implications of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) legislation. This memorandum provides a brief history of SOXà ¡Ã ¦s creation, explains the relationship amongst the FASB, SEC and PCAOB, describes the pros and cons of SOX, assesses the impacts of SOX, and lists ethical considerations of SOX. History of SOX - the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is legislation in response to the high profile financial scandals, such as seen with Enron and WorldCom. The purpose of this act is to protect shareholders and the general public from accounting errors and fraudulent business practices. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act introduced stringent new rules to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws. Sarbanes-Oxley is not a set of business practices and does not specify how a business should store records; rather, Sarbanes-Oxley defines which records are to be stored and for how long. A.) The relationship among the FASB, SEC and PCAOB ââ¬Å¾Ã «Ã à à à à SOX is administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC sets deadlines for compliance and publishes rules on requirements. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the department to which all publicly-traded companies, effective since 2004, are required to submit annual reports of the effectiveness of their internal accounting controls. The SEC has broad authority over all aspects of the securities industry. This includes the power to register, regulate, and oversee brokerage firms, transfer agents, and clearing agencies. Along with them, is the FASB. ââ¬Å¾Ã «Ã à à à à The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), is a professional standards board created by accountants to establish Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are the accounting standards used by accountants in the U.S. The GAAP reporting method makes it possible for investors and regulatory authorities to accurately determine an organization's financial results. ââ¬Å¾Ã «Ã à à à à The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) was created to oversee the activities of the auditing profession. Specifically to oversee t... ... Line56 ,Retrieved August 17, 2001. Retrieved on 8/19/2005, from Hein, M. (2002). The Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002 effects sweeping changes to the U.S. federal securities laws. Retrieved on August 21, 2005, from www. Hyatt, J. (2005). Birth of the ethics industry. Business Ethics Online, The magazine of corporate responsibility. Retrieved on 8/19/2005, from Johnson, C. (2005). Pros and cons of accounting rules weighed Sarbanes Oxley - more à à à à à audits, accountability. San Francisco Chronicle on the Web. Retrieved August 17, à à à à à 2001, from gin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/05/05/BUGJBE3DQ71.html. Leporte, G. (2007). Chief of the office of small business policy at the U.S. sSecurities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved on August 17th, 2005, from . Linsley, C. (2003). Auditing, risk management and a post Sarbanes-Oxley world. Review of Business. Solomon, Deborah. (March, 2005) Accounting Rule Exposes Problems But Draws Complaints About Costs. Wall Street Journal. Wallace, S. (2005). Only the ethical need apply. The Christian Science Monitor. March 30, 2005 edition.
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