Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Tango 2 free essay sample
Tango # 8211 ; In Spanish Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; El tango tiene el poder de fundir a Department of State exaggerated? os en uno solo, expresando a trav? s del baile Sus deseos? los convierte en grandes amantes y H? roes, aunque ocean por un breve momento. El tango Es EL susurro de la sensualidad que surge del ligero olfactory property de smell. El tango Es la allure de un sal? n de baile y tambi? n EL misterio de ese mundo que se encuentra debajo. Es la opulencia de Par? s Y La obscura cortina humeante de un caf? de Buenos Aires. Es el mundo de met? foras sutiles que captura La melancol? a del coraz? n # 8221 ; . ? INTRODUCCI? N? Un fen? meno de CostumbresEl tango Es un valor social equality los latinoamericanos, radicado especialmente en la Argentina y Uruguay.El tango es un universo. Es m? sica, danza, canto, Poes? a. Es un extraordinario fen? meno de costumbres. Es una manera de entender y de vivir. Es La ansiedad por La hora que huye, el desfasaje con La realidad, la regresi? n. El tango Es, sobre task, el fellow del tango: disociado, fuera de lugar, fuera de tiempo. ? Importancia del TemaConocer el tango podr? an ayudar an adentrarse nut la forma de ser de una nan comunidad. Representa, en efecto, para generaciones de latinoamericanos, un valor social radicado de la Patagonia Al Bravo, Y en impossible to miss en Argentina Y Uruguay, los father? ses del tango. A los primeros acordes musicales, a La straightforward menci? n de un T? tulo, a La cita de un verso se despierta una pluralidad de im? cistrons que act? a con seducci? n de sirena. Task ello, envuelto en la sutil sensaci? n de haber perdido algo hopeless, ofrece un tipo particular de fruici? n, que es casi sufrimiento. Un # 8220 ; tanguero # 8221 ; no concibe un tango vociferado Ni cantado en coro. El tango equivale an un momento de soliloquio. Es un complejo culto que, racionalmente , puede incluso no convencer m? s, pero que subterr? neamente contin? an ejerciendo una intensa sugesti? n.El tango nace en forma espont? nea, colectiva, como EL legends: pero Se trata de # 8220 ; fables urbano # 8221 ; . Con s? lo ochenta a? os de vida, est? envuelto en las nieblas de la leyenda. ? DEFINICI? N # 8221 ; El tango es un baile de sal? n que, como La milonga, se starting? en Argentina, y consiste en una complicada serie de pasos Y posturas. Fue muy mainstream en Europa y Estados Unidos a principios del siglo XX Y todav? a sigue Si? ndolo nut La Argentina. # 8221 ; Es un fen? meno social completo-baile, m? sica, canci? n, Poes? a # 8211 ; que por una u otra raz? n atrae a tanta gente. Aunque sobre el tango Y Sus figuras kid muchas las cosas que Se discuten y ponen en duda, es generalmente aceptado que EL tango nace en Buenos Aires a codas del siglo XIX aunque algunos prefieren decir a modo conciliador, que naci? a las orillas del R? o de la Plata, con EL five de contentar a los uruguayos que reclaman una copaternidad del fen? meno. ? Origen de la Palabra TangoEntre los muchos misterios que encierra EL tango, el primero es el de su propia denominaci? n. La voz tango se encuentra en las culturas africana, hisp? nica Y provincial. Seg? n algunas teor? as, tango derivar? a de nip, que en una de las lenguas habladas en el continente negro significa palpar, tocar Y acercarse. Entre los bant? Es, adem? s, feed Department of State idiomas que Se denominan tanga Y tangui. Y entre Las lenguas sudanoguineanas Figura La tangal? . Curiosamente, el contenido hisp? nico de la palabra se acerca a La africana nip. Tango en castellano es considerada una voz derivada de tangir, que en espa? ol antiguo equivale a Ta? Er, y de tangere, o ocean, tocar en lat? n.En La colonia, a su vez, tango age La denominaci? n que los negros daban a Sus dries de percusi? N. Ellos la pronunciaban como palabra aguda: nip? . Y nip? eran tambi? n los bailes que organizaban los africanos llegados a La fuerza Al R? o de la Plata. En esas reuniones se cr eaban accounts diethylstilbestrols? rdenes que los montevideanos hostile to racketeering law, y autoconsiderados respetables, llegaron a pedir Al virrey Francisco Javier El? O que prohibiese # 8220 ; los tangos de los negros # 8221 ; . La acepci? n hondure? a que brinda EL diccionario, referida an una especie de tambor que fabrican los ind? genas, parece acercarse Al sentido africano de la palabra. Es dif? cil saber Si se trata de una casualidad o de una trasculturacion.Solo como curiosidad, porque en principio no tienen vinculaci? n con EL Origen del tango rioplatense, cabe mencionar que una regi? n de Jap? n se llama Tango, al igual que una fete infantil de ese fathers? s, Y que antiguamente en Brasil tango age devilishness? nimo de samba. En Espa? a nut EL siglo XIX Se empleaba La palabra tango equality un palo flamenco, en la geograf? an africana roughage algunos top? nimos con ese nombre, en documentos coloniales espa? oles se usa EL vocablo equality referirse Al lugar en que l os esclavos negros celebraban Sus reuniones festivas? algunos incluso dicen que EL Origen podr? an estar en la incapacidad de los africanos equality pronunciar bien la palabra # 8220 ; tambor # 8221 ; que quedar? an as? transformada en # 8220 ; tang? # 8221 ; . En five, es una buena pregunta pero La irremisible falta de documentaci? n escrita y el Origen? grafo del tango Y Sus primeros padres callar? La respuesta equality siempre. ? HISTORIA DEL TANGOEn un hecho de origen mainstream como EL tango Y, por tanto, de nacimiento evolutivo resulta imposible apuntar una fecha de nacimiento. Sin exchange stoppage, lo cierto Es que la city chief? a de los estudiosos coinciden en dar por buena La nutrient D? cada de 1880 como el punto de partida de lo que entonces no age m? s que una determinada manera de bailar La m? sica. La sociedad donde nace EL tango escuchaba Y bailaba habaneras, polkas, mazurcas y alg? n vals, por lo que respecta a los blancos, mientras que los Blacks, un 25 % de la poblaci? n de Buenos Aires en el siglo XIX, Se mov? an Al ritmo del candombe, una forma de danza en la que la pareja no Se enlazaba y bailaba de una manera m? s marcada por La percusi? n que por La melod? a. Si es posible hablar con propiedad de un elemento importante: EL escenario de su nacimiento. Feed que decir que Buenos Aires time a codas del XIX una ciudad en expansi? n con un enorme crecimiento demogr? fico sustentado sobre task en la emigraci? n que proced? a de multitud de dad? Ses. Hab? a por supuesto espa? oles e italianos pero no eran ajenos an esta corriente migratoria los alemanes, H? ngaros, eslavos, ? rabes, jud? os? Tasks ellos compon? an una nan Masa obrera desarraigada, pobre, con escasas posibilidades de comunicaci? n debido a La barrera ling? ? stica Y mayoritariamente masculina, ya que eran fundamentalmente guies en busca de Fortuna, hasta EL punto de que la composici? n normal de la poblaci? n de Buenos Aires qued? totalmente descompensada, de modo que el 70 % de los habitantes eran hombres.Las cifras hablan: Argentina pas? de tener dos millones de habitantes en 1870, a cuatro millones veinticinco a? os m? s tarde. La mitad de esa poblaci? n Se concentraba en Bueno s Aires donde el porcentaje de extranjeros lleg? a ser del 50 por ciento Y adonde acud? a tambi? n gauchos nutrient E indios procedentes del inside del father? s.En este ambiente, se comienza a bailar nut tugurios y lupanares el nuevo ritmo que Se asocia as? desde su inicio Al ambiente prostibulario, ya que eran s? lo prostitutas y # 8220 ; camareras # 8221 ; las? nicas mujeres presentes en La academes o perigundines.Puesto que se trataba de f? mynas dedicadas en alma Y, sobre task, en cuerpo a Sus accidentales acompa? bets, el tango Se comenz? a bailar de un modo muy # 8220 ; real # 8221 ; , provocador, cercano, expl? cito? de un modo socialmente poco aceptable como Se ver? a cuando, siendo ya un fen? meno emergente, el tango comenz? a salir del arrabal de su ciudad de origen y empez? an expandirse. En los primeros tiempos, cuando EL tango comienza a convertirse nut canci? n, las letras que acompa? a La m? sica kid obscenas y Sus T? tulos dejan lugar a pocas dudas: # 8220 ; Dos sin sacarla # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; Qu? polvo con tanto viento # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; Con qu? tropieza que no dentra # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; Siete pulgadas # 8221 ; # 8230 ; o incluso # 8220 ; El Choclo # 8221 ; que aunque literalmente significa mazorca de mama? omega, en sentido figurado Y revolting, equivale Al castellano # 8220 ; chocho # 8221 ; o # 8220 ; co? O # 8221 ; .Y defraud figuras del candombe Se Ir? a gestando La manifestaci? n coreogr? fica del Tango, que a poco Se transformar? a nut una danza de pareja abrazada muy creature Y vistosa, pero que tra? a como Origen generador, el movimiento del negro risk la m? sica. Hubo entonces quien toc? esta nueva m? sica Y estuvo quien La bond? . Y quienes lo hicieron, insidiousness advertir seguramente el acto trascendental que estaban realizando, fueron los hijos de aquellos inmigrantes que llegaban Al R? o de la Plata. El gran movimiento inmigratorio ten? a que dejar su testimonio en la cultura de su tiempo. Y fue en el Tango donde apareci? el testimonio de quienes ven? an equality sumarse Al desarrollo de las manifestaciones est? ticas de este rinc? n del mundo. Time La afirmaci? n de una nueva generaci? n de argentinos, que all? por 1880 salieron bailando un Tango. Un Tango muy distinto Al que freight boat Se conoce, pero Tango Al five, avanzando velozmente en La B? squeda de sus elementos definitivos. El Origen de uno de los movimientos craftsmanship? sticos m? s bellos que existan.De su baja cuna a su encumbramiento como baile rey en los salones del mundo Hesperian, el tango recorri? un curioso camino de ida y vuelta entre el Nuevo y el Viejo Continente, con una parada decisiva Y brillante en Par? s. ? C? minute lleg? all? ? Tambi? n en este punto La respuestas kid dispares y algunas vario pintas. Determinados textos, mucho m? s ingenuos que eruditos, dan incluso nombres y apel
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Values Practice Issues Within Mental Health Nursing Practice
Qualities Practice Issues Within Mental Health Nursing Practice Utilizing the qualities distinguished in the appended book (sympathy and significance of self articulation) survey set up a 2000 word conversation and investigation of qualities practice issues inside emotional wellness nursing practice. Presentation This exposition means to investigate a few issues around qualities and practice in emotional wellness nursing. The article expands upon a past bit of work embraced as a developmental task, an audit of a book read by the writer, which raised some key focuses which might be significant in psychological wellness nursing practice. The way toward revealing these issues, because of checking on and perusing a work of fiction, was one which prompted an association of thoughts, from what the book introduced, and from the authorââ¬â¢s individual experience, beneficial experience, and clinical experience and figuring out how to date. The recognized issues are to do with sympathy, compassion and the significance of self-articulation. These are on the whole issues which the creator accepts are a lot of underestimated in regular day to day existence, however which become huge for clients of emotional well-being administrations, and for psychological wellness specialist co-ops, since they influence numerous regions of the individual, their experience, and the remedial relationship. This exposition will investigate these issues in the light of a portion of the distributed hypothesis and discussion on these subjects, and the authorââ¬â¢s own perspective and encounters. Conversation Doubtlessly inside psychological well-being nursing, the connection between the emotional wellness nurture and the customer is significant, yet this relationship depends on specific qualities which must support nursing care (Eagger et al, 2005), and certain necessities or prerequisites that the customer may feel according to the medical attendant. Attendants working inside a structure of qualities is no new thing, and qualities (and morals) have consistently supported medication and medicinal services (Eagger et al, 2005). As indicated by Svedberg et al (2003), ââ¬Å"Mental wellbeing is made by the joined procedure of oneââ¬â¢s relationship to oneself and to othersâ⬠, which would propose that the connections the customer structures with anybody engaged with supporting psychological wellness are doubly significant. The customer may get self-articulation significant for themselves, yet in addition they will require sympathy from the psychological wellness nurture. The medical attendant, thus, might be tested by the clientââ¬â¢s self-articulation, and may think that its difficult to feel empathy or to relate to the customer on occasion. One of the difficulties of giving humane consideration and even to the emotional well-being medical caretaker to encounter empathy is the alleged relationship which a few creators have found between apparent misery and parental figure sympathy. Schulz et al (2007) recommend that there are interfaces between saw enduring and the degree of parental figure sympathy. If so, at that point it could be contended that some emotional wellness medical caretakers who don't feel or show sympathy are doing so in light of the fact that in some way or another they don't see or accept the customer to be really enduring, or to be deserving of empathy. This would raise a moral issue, since all the patientââ¬â¢s needs ought to be met, regardless of what the ââ¬Ëpersonalââ¬â¢ reaction to the customer. Be that as it may, this could be an absence of observation with respect to the psychological well-being medical attendant. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) examine the issue of passionate insight in nursing, an idea which influences the medical caretaker tolerant relationship, especially inside psychological well-being nursing. Salovey and Mayer (1990) characterize passionate knowledge as ââ¬Å"the capacity to screen ones own and others sentiments and feelings, to separate among them and to utilize this data to manage ones reasoning and actionsâ⬠(p 185). In their subjective examination, Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) discovered four predominant topics about enthusiastic knowledge in psychological well-being nursing ââ¬Å"relationship with the patient; the substance of oversight; inspiration; and responsibility.â⬠This would recommend that passionate insight with respect to the medical attendant is significant inside emotional well-being nursing. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) recommend that enthusiastic knowledge ââ¬Å"stimulates the quest for a more profound comprehension of an expe rt emotional well-being nursing identityâ⬠and that ââ¬Å"emotional learning and development forms are key to proficient capability, that is, self-improvement and development.â⬠(p 164). In this way, the psychological well-being medical attendant would need to build up the enthusiastic knowledge to comprehend why they are thinking that its difficult to feel sympathy for the customer, and to make a move to cure this, and to act in a touchy and strong manner towards the customer, regardless of whether they don't genuinely feel caring towards them. Shattell et al (2007) completed research on the remedial relationship inside psychological wellness administrations, and found that customers communicated encounters of the helpful relationship under the accompanying topics: identify with me, know me as an individual, and get to the arrangement. ââ¬Å"A restorative relationship for people with dysfunctional behavior requires inside and out close to home information, which is procured uniquely with time, comprehension, and expertise. Knowing the entire individual, as opposed to knowing the individual just as a help recipient.â⬠(Shattell et al, 2007 p 274). This would recommend that the emotional wellness attendant ought to be propelled to build up a sympathy with the customer through this information, and ought to effectively take part in searching out manners to know and to comprehend the customer. This may relate back to the issue of enthusiastic knowledge, on the grounds that the emotional well-being medical caretaker has to know themselves quite well, and to get themselves and their expert persona (Akerjordet and Severinsson, 2004) preceding they would then be able to proceed to become more acquainted with and comprehend, and understand, the customer. Hamilton and Roper (2007) talk about the idea of knowledge, taking a gander at its hypothetical underpinnings, and the way that it is hazardous in emotional wellness nursing since it very well may be hard to have understanding into patientââ¬â¢s encounters of psychological instability. Understanding is viewed as a feature of the way toward becoming more acquainted with and comprehend the customer, and from this, building up an information on their dysfunctional behavior, including diagnosing their specific psychological sickness (Hamilton and Roper, 2007). Be that as it may, building up this knowledge is made troublesome by issues, for example, the apparent contrast in power among parental figure and customer, and the desires for ââ¬Ëpatient behavioursââ¬â¢ (Hamilton and Roper, 2007). This would propose that the psychological wellness nurture needs to consider each to be as a person, as extraordinary, and to set aside the effort to really become more acquainted with the indi vidual and their experience of dysfunctional behavior. Meanings of psychological instability, and names, can make this harder, for the medical attendant, and for the customer also, who fears being diminished to their malady instead of being viewed as an individual who is sick (Hamilton and Roper, 2007; Shattell et al, 2007). Research by Shatell et al (2006) underscores this point. In their examination, customers raised various issues around being comprehended by emotional well-being guardians, and it was this idea of being comprehended which appeared to be generally significant in building up a compelling remedial relationship. A portion of these ideas include: feeling significant; building up associations, and being on a similar level (Shatell et al, 2006). Research by Svedberg et al (2003) discovered comparative outcomes, and in their investigation ââ¬Å"the patients portrayed how the sentiment of commonality in the relationship with the medical attendant was significant for the advancement of wellbeing forms. Commonality was accomplished by doing things together and by having an exchange with each other.â⬠(p 451). This creator feels that these beliefs can be appropriately accomplished by emotional wellness medical attendants who set aside effort to become more acquainted with the customer and w ho create sympathy with the customer through concentrating consideration on them. The patients needed to feel comprehended in Shatell et alââ¬â¢s (2006) study. ââ¬Å" Feeling significant was a significant outcome of being comprehended. Being comprehended caused patients to feel like individuals instead of being dealt with like a number or being dealt with like in a manufacturing plant. Members needed to be dealt with like individuals, not as wiped out, intellectually sick people; like people, not a lot of findings ââ¬Å" (Shatell et al, 2006 p 237). This could be seen as a result of the sympathy and mindfulness of the medical attendant as an expert, and of their capacity to consider the to be as a person, to not be partial by anything about them, particularly not their sickness. This is significant. This creator accepts that sympathy and compassion create through becoming more acquainted with the customer appropriately, and that these all improve the remedial relationship. Shatell et al (2006) likewise recommend that customers feel significant when they realize the medical attendant has been considering them now and again other than eye to eye contact, and this is something to consider for training, especially according to the discussions that medical attendants have with patients. It is likewise significant that psychological well-being medical attendants create appropriate listening aptitudes, which would likewise permit them to create sympathetic comprehension, and bolster the customer in communicating (Freshwater, 2006). Empowering self-articulation is a significant piece of medical caretakers becoming more acquainted with their patients, no doubt, however self-articulation isn't simple for some individuals. Individuals with psychological sickness are regularly arranging a scope of various feeling of what comprises their ââ¬Ëselfââ¬â¢ (Meehan and Machlachlan, 2008). ââ¬Å" For instance, an expert lady turns into a mother and spouse or ââ¬Ëhomemakerââ¬â¢ when she leaves the workplace for home. In changing starting with one self then onto the next sort, her different self voices renegotiate their chain of command and positions and make a sound self story steady with the job of mother and wife.â⬠(Meehan and
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
How to Write Your Personal Statement - College Essay Advisors
How to Write Your Personal Statement - College Essay Advisors How to Write Your Personal Statement How to Write Your Personal Statement So you want to know how to write your personal statement, huh? Well, let me tell you this: the best personal essays tell a story. And like all good stories, they have (drumroll, please) a beginning, a middle, and an end. As you pull the notes from your brainstorm into your outline, think about the order of events. Where is the turning point? What is the lesson? What should an admissions officer know about you or the situation upfront for proper context? What should they remember about you when they finish reading your essay? Once you determine these answers, you can figure out how to write your personal statement and work to set up the key points by building dramatic tension. The heart of your message will often be revealed, or at least start to unveil itself, about ¾ of the way through your essay. Maybe breaking your leg in a pogo sticking accident taught you a lesson about balance and led you to develop a plan to bring more literal and figurative balance to your life. Maybe you should let the admissions officer know that you made a full recovery and invented pogo stick yoga (or poga). The order in which you reveal these events does not have to be the order in which they occurred, but it does have to emphasize the point you find most valuable: was it your ability to draw inspiration from your life or your resilience in the face of broken bones? Are you sure want to start your story at the chronological beginning of the action? Maybe you want to begin with the ending and flashback to the events that led up to your opening paragraph. Perhaps you want to dive right into the middle of the action and unpeel the story from the inside out. However you decide to write your personal statement, be sure to identify a main point and organize the rest of your story around it. And donât look down on or outright dismiss the classic chronological layout. Some of the best college essays ever submitted have taken the form of a straightforward and insightful personal story, thoughtfully told. About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Want more tips and tricks? Check out our YouTube Channel! WATCH OUR VIDEOS »
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